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software design approach中文是什么意思

用"software design approach"造句"software design approach"怎么读"software design approach" in a sentence


  • 软件设计法
  • 软件设计方法


  • At the same time , the author briefly introduced the virtual ecg analyzer that formed using vi technonage to medical instrument . the ecg data - information management system ' s composing , program ' s module and precess of development used in virtual electrocardiograph were introduced in detail . in this paper , the author used the software design approach ? ? oop , through designing the database module , patients ' information include basal information of patient , clinical information such as symptom and course of diseases , ecg , diagnostic
    在本文中,作者运用面向对象( oop )的软件设计方法,通过对数据库模块、病员信息(包括病员基本信息、病员病史及症状等临床信息、心电图信息、诊断结果信息)采集编辑模块、综合查询模块、统计和打印模块以及辅助功能模块的设计,实现对心血管病患者的心电图及其临床病理资料的采集、组织、存储、综合查询、统计打印。
用"software design approach"造句  
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